
Wien Feber Null. Eine Ästhetik des Widerstands (Aestehtics of Resistance)

Philosopher Gerald Raunig, who is a member of the board of IG Kultur und Medien in Austria, will present the theses formulated in his recently published book about the actions of the Viennese “resistance” against the black-blue government of February 2000 and will also show film footage …

all our tomorrows

International group exhibition in the frame of the project translate Artists: Donald Rodney, Shilpa Gupta, Hetain Patel, Owusu-Ankomah, Elmgreen and Dragset, Song Dong, Zhang Dali, Yukiko Terada, Hew Locke, Nomeda and Gediminas Urbonas, Sabine Fassl, Johannes Wohnseifer and Lisl Ponger

Against Masculine Domination. Building the Body

Female bodybuilding has been discussed as a queer practice of transgressing stereotypes of sex, gender and essentialist forms of identity, as well as a field in which, in a paradoxical way, open and veiled practices of reproduction of such stereotypes and the common-sense gender binary (especially …

Autogestion. Self-Organization and Social Transformation

From the Right to the City movement to the Transition Towns network, the role of self-organization has come back to the front stage of social, political and environmental practices involving activists as well as artists. How do self-organized communities search for »paths through utopia«? What is …

BIGNES? Critique of the entrepreneurial city

Bigness, as the Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas mockingly remarked, is the pinnacle of architecture. Here, Koolhaas refers to his district-sized rail hub ‘EuraLille’, as only greater size can mobilize a “regime of complexity” as well as the “concentrated intelligence of …

The city is our factory

Christoph Schäfer will present his artistic-activist approach at the Kunstraum on the basis of his widely received visual essay ‘The City is our Factory,’ which was published in 2010 by Spector Books. Using a water color pen, Christoph Schäfer traced in this essay the conceptual landscapes and …

The First Congress of the Kulturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft

Keynotes by Sigrid Weigel (Berlin), Andreas Reckwitz (Frankfurt/Oder), Heidrun Friese (Chemnitz), and Orit Halpern (Montréal)

Henri Lefebvre, the State and Social Movements

The event is held in the context of the exhibition »Front, Field, Line, Plane – Researching the Militant Image« by Urban Subjects (Sabine Bitter/Jeff Derksen/Helmut Weber), who in 2009 already cooperated with Klaus Ronneberger for the project »Autogestion, or Henri Lefebvre in New Belgrade«.

Peninsula Europe. The Force Majeure Works

Continuing a tradition of symposia (»Art, Ecology and Sustainable Development«, 2000) and artistic projects at the Kunstraum that have addressed issues of ecology and sustainability (Dan Peterman »Greenhouse«, 1998 and Fabrice Hybert »pof83 [pylône]«, 2000 amongst others), Helen Mayer Harrison and …

SIEV-X. On a case of intensified refugee politics

on the occasion of the publication Dierk Schmidt: SIEV-X. On a case of aggravated refugee policy. A picture cycle in three parts, talks and texts. Series polypen at b_books, Berlin 2005.

Return of the Colonial Ghosts in Congo-Brussels

In Raoul Peck’s documentary film essay ‘Lumumba – Death of a Prophet’ (1992), the Congolese liberation politician Patrice Lumumba, who was murdered by Belgian, Western and local secret services, wanders about like a ghost in the former colonial metropolis of Brussels. Europe’s colonial foundations …

Front, Field, Line, Plane

The idea and images of protest have moved to the foreground recently both in the work of artists and in the global media. On the one hand, artists are documenting the wave of protests that have built up since the memorable moment of Seattle in 1999 up to the ascendance of the Occupy movement; and …

Backstage II

Exhibition in three parts and three phases »Ozarichi, März 1944« in campus hall 25 »Megalothymia« in campus building 10, ground floor Christian Boltanski, »Die Archive der Großeltern« in campus building 7, basement Opening of »Backstage II« on Wednesday, April 26, at 6:15pm with short presentations …

Backstage III

Exhibition in three parts and phases »Ozarichi, März 1944« in campus hall 25 »Megalothymia« in campus building 10, ground floor Christian Boltanski, »Die Archive der Großeltern« in campus building 7, basement Opening of »Backstage III« on Wednesday, June 14, at 6:30pm with short presentations and a …


Beyond a moralizing logic of pain as punishment, what are the critical merits of wounds?

Economies of Misery

An exhibition of photographs by Pierre Bourdieu In cooperation with Camera Austria Graz (Christine Frisinghelli), University of Geneva, Département de Sociologie (Franz Schultheis) and Fondation Pierre Bourdieu, Geneva

Sapphic Entanglements

Queer studies scholar Kadji Amin calls for “fuck[ing] with the universalizing presumptions of the taxonomical method from within by generating idiosyncratic interpretations and translations that explode the epistemological and ontological foundations of taxonomy itself.” (Amin 2023) Sapphic …


Kunstraum of the Leuphana University Lüneburg is delighted to announce the opening of Philipp Gufler´s solo exhibition "Unterwerfungen". Bringing together old and new works and structured by Gufler’s ongoing collaboration with the self-organized Forum Queeres Archiv München, "Unterwerfungen" tracks the various ways in which Gufler stages archival material, resisting the heteronormative capture of a resistant past.

Critique of Creativity

Creativity is astir: reborn, re-conjured, re-branded, resurgent. The old myths of creation and creators – the hallowed labors and privileged agencies of demiurges and prime movers, of Biblical world-makers and self-fashioning artist-geniuses – are back underway, producing effects, circulating …

To care for people before us

The practice seminar "To care for people before us" with visual artist Philipp Gufler takes as its starting point his many years of practice and artistic research with queer and self-organized archives and examines the mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion of (hetereo)normative and hegemonic historiography through intergenerational archival work.