Sustainable: Art
Presentations, Lectures, Artist Talks
December 5th, 2012
with Jeff Derksen, Bettina von Dziembowski, Dan Peterman, Marjetica Potrc sowie Diego Castro, Fabian Reimann, Katja Staats, Niko Wolf (Winners of the Daniel Frese Prize 2011 and 2012)
»Sustainable: Art« is based on a cooperation of KIM at Innovations Incubator at Leuphana University of Lüneburg and Kunstraum of Leuphana Universitüt of Lüneburg as well as Kunstverein Springhornhof Neuenkirchen with »Schöne Aussichten«, the public cultural and artistic programme of the Representation of Lower Saxony at the Federal Government, Berlin with kind support of WBGU, the German Advisory Council on Global Change.