Towards a Techno-Ecology of Participation
December 7th and 8th, 2017
This conference is a cooperation of Leuphana’s Chair of Media Culture, the Research Project »Technoecologies of Participation« within the frame of DFG Research Group »Media and Participation« and University of Bremen’s NatureCultures Lab.
with: Nurit Bird-David (Haifa), Christoph Brunner (Lüneburg), Tim Ingold (Aberdeen), Alf Hornborg (Lund), Yuk Hui (Lüneburg), Erich Hörl (Lüneburg), Michi Knecht (Bremen), Roberto Nigro (Lüneburg), Erhard Schüttpelz (Siegen), Tanja Bogusz (Kassel), Helen Verran (Darwin)