
From Models to Monsters. Representing the World Economy and its Discontents

A Workshop by the DFG Research Training Group »Cultures of Critique«

Making Worlds

Open workshop of the <reformpause> project group led by Marion von Osten (artist, Berlin/Zurich) with the Kunstraum of the University of Lueneburg and members of the Institute for Cultural Theory, as well as guests: Madeleine Bernstorff, Julia Franz, MeineAkademie Berlin, Preclab Research …

Processing Worlds, Processing Back Words. Thinking Through the Act of Curating

In her presentation, Miya Yoshida will discuss the potentials, limitations and possibilities of artistic research by introducing her PhD project at Malmö Art Academy / Lund University she realized in 2006, simultaneously an exhibition that she engaged as a research. Based on this project, she will …

The (new) order of world images

The lecture will bring together two questions: What images does contemporary art make of “the world” as an entity that is embodied in terms such as globalization, transnationality, postcolonialism, etc.? What images does “the civilized world”, as a hegemonic ordering power …

The Division of the World

After years of experimenting with today’s possibilities of the strongly tainted artistic genre of historical painting and the traditions of modern painting, Dierk Schmidt has most recently been dealing with the role which the German Reich played in the history of colonialism. German involvement in …

Field research: art world Zurich

Project with Christian Tarnai (Munich)

Image Worlds and Knowledge Systems. The Genesis of Modern Natural Sciences – Galileo and the Consequences

Moderator: Dr. Martin Warnke, Information Technology and Culture, Leuphana University of Lueneburg

The Anomie of the World of Finance

The changes in the financial markets have offered unimagined possibilities for individual and collective actors – »rational egoists« – with dramatic economic and social effects. The crises in Greece and Spain give recent examples. New forms of investment can be observed in the cultural fields as …

1 - 1 = 2 Hybert-Marché

With Fabrice Hybert and Hans Ulrich Obrist in cooperation with the ARC, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris

Planetary Consciousness

International group exhibition in the context of the project translate Artists: Christine Meisner, Mathias Poledna, Lisl Ponger, José Alejandro Restrepo

Art and the Spectacular. Biennials sans frontiers

Chin-tao Wu will deal in her lecture with some aspects of the “Biennalisation of the Artworld”: Over the last ten to fifteen years, art biennials have mushroomed. The popularity of the biennial as an institutional framework by means of which cities and city governments are empowered to …

More Details from an Imaginary Universe

Title of Matt Mullican’s solo exhibition in Porto, Oxford, Barcelona, St. Gallen, Krefeld and Bolzano 2000-2001.

Melanie Gilligan, Cooper Francis

Rather than accepting a 2001 »cybernetic hypothesis« that postulated historical stasis grounded in transparent information flows and techniques of population management, this workshop will examine on-going efforts to engineer the technical infrastructure of a global market that still characterizes …

all our tomorrows

International group exhibition in the frame of the project translate Artists: Donald Rodney, Shilpa Gupta, Hetain Patel, Owusu-Ankomah, Elmgreen and Dragset, Song Dong, Zhang Dali, Yukiko Terada, Hew Locke, Nomeda and Gediminas Urbonas, Sabine Fassl, Johannes Wohnseifer and Lisl Ponger


Exhibition in collaboration with students and the Kunstraum der Universität Lüneburg, in the frame of the project transform

Henri Lefebvre, the State and Social Movements

The event is held in the context of the exhibition »Front, Field, Line, Plane – Researching the Militant Image« by Urban Subjects (Sabine Bitter/Jeff Derksen/Helmut Weber), who in 2009 already cooperated with Klaus Ronneberger for the project »Autogestion, or Henri Lefebvre in New Belgrade«.

Susanne Leeb & Sven Beckstette

Susanne Leeb (University of Basel): »Cycles of Painting and Entangled Histories: Luc Tuymans and Tshibumba Kanda Matulu« Globalization not only entails an increased engagement with arts worldwide, but also with earlier transnational entanglements. Entanglements that, characterized by colonialism, …

Militante Untersuchung als artistic research?

One repeatedly encounters the concept of »militant research« in the most various contexts like the social movements in Argentina, job centres in Berlin-Neukölln, May Day marches, leftist anthologies, and, since a decade, in the field of art and theory production, as well. This concept arose not …

Post-X Politics

This workshop is a follow-up event to a workshop on Media Ecologies which took place in November 2016 at Concordia University, organized by the Global Emergent Media Lab and a reading group on Readings Around Media in Japan. In bringing this unique style of a reading group seminar to Lueneburg we …

Demanding Supplies – Nachfragende Angebote II

Dealing with – Some books, visuals, and works related to American Fine Arts, Co. Art Club 2000, Patterson Beckwith, J. St. Bernard, John Dogg, Jackie McAllister, James Meyer at Halle fuer Kunst, Lueneburg, and Stephan Dillemuth, Loretta Fahrenholz, Karl Holmqvist, Phillip Zach at Kunstraum of …

Demanding Supplies – Nachfragende Angebote III

with Daniel Buren, Diego Castro, Maria Eichhorn, Katja Staats, Stephan Dillemuth, Loretta Fahrenholz, Phillip Zach, nOffice

Backstage I

Exhibition in three parts and three phases »Ozarichi, März 1944« in UC, Hall 25 »Megalothymia« in UC, building 10, ground floor Christian Boltanski, »Die Archive der Großeltern« in UC, building 7, basement Opening of »Backstage I« on Wednesday, March 8, 2017, 7pm in lecture hall 5 with …

Backstage II

Exhibition in three parts and three phases »Ozarichi, März 1944« in campus hall 25 »Megalothymia« in campus building 10, ground floor Christian Boltanski, »Die Archive der Großeltern« in campus building 7, basement Opening of »Backstage II« on Wednesday, April 26, at 6:15pm with short presentations …

Backstage III

Exhibition in three parts and phases »Ozarichi, März 1944« in campus hall 25 »Megalothymia« in campus building 10, ground floor Christian Boltanski, »Die Archive der Großeltern« in campus building 7, basement Opening of »Backstage III« on Wednesday, June 14, at 6:30pm with short presentations and a …

Economies of Misery

An exhibition of photographs by Pierre Bourdieu In cooperation with Camera Austria Graz (Christine Frisinghelli), University of Geneva, Département de Sociologie (Franz Schultheis) and Fondation Pierre Bourdieu, Geneva

Open Codes?

Exhibition in Collaboration with the ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe

Urban Subjects

A project of Urban Subjects in cooperation with Kunstraum of Leuphana Leuphana University of Lüneburg and Leuphana Arts Program.


The Kunstraum of Leuphana University Lüneburg is a project space for exhibitions, lectures, workshops, conferences, film screenings and performances. It offers students the opportunity to work with artists and curators, developing exhibitions, encountering artistic perspectives and practices and …

Against Masculine Domination. Building the Body

Female bodybuilding has been discussed as a queer practice of transgressing stereotypes of sex, gender and essentialist forms of identity, as well as a field in which, in a paradoxical way, open and veiled practices of reproduction of such stereotypes and the common-sense gender binary (especially …

Algeria 1960. Pierre Bourdieu's initiation journey into sociology

Lecture Algeria 1960. Pierre Bourdieu’s initiation journey into sociology Friday, 04.02.2005, 14.30 h Workshop Visual Anthropology. Pierre Bourdieu in Algeria Friday, 04.02.2005, 15.00 h - open end Saturday, 05.02.2005, 10.00 h - open end

Alienating Presents. Recovering Futures

Talking about the future is not so easy today. It risks depoliticisation from two opposing sides. Our political imagination oscillates between feelings of hopelessness and fatalism on the one hand, and hollow stories of cruel optimism on the other. Both doom via irreversible climate catastrophe or …

In Between Subjects – Amelia Jones

This presentation gives an overview of Jones’s book  In Between Subjects: A Critical Genealogy of Queer Subjects, with attention to deeper motivations behind its development, and tracks her thinking about the intersection of “queer” and “performance” or “performativity” since the book was …

Art in the Periphery of the Center

Peripheries are profoundly ambiguous regions. While trying to build an attachment to their center, the periphery often finds itself marginalized or even excluded both on a structural and actor-related level – no matter if the center-periphery model is defined in terms of space or along relations of …

Autogestion. Self-Organization and Social Transformation

From the Right to the City movement to the Transition Towns network, the role of self-organization has come back to the front stage of social, political and environmental practices involving activists as well as artists. How do self-organized communities search for »paths through utopia«? What is …

Visit of survivors of the extermination camps in Ozarichi 1944

On August 11, 2017, the Kunstraum was the site of a visit to Leuphana University by a group of six women from Ozarichi in Belarus - Lidija Dormasch, Maria Nowik, Maria Schetschko, Maria Lapowa, Valentina Odnokrylowa and Valentina Schislo. This meeting at the University was initiated by the Working …

The Field of Art in Hamburg

Volker Pekron deals with questions related to the distribution of contemporary art in Hamburg. As the frame of reference for his empirical study, he did not choose notions such as the »art world« or the »(operating) system art«, but Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of the field that is connoted with …

The Abstractions of International Law and Abstract Visual Languages in Art

The Trial of the Herero Genocide in International Law Presenters: Malte Jaguttis (International Lawyer) Prof. Dr. Axel Kämmerer (International Lawyer) Dr. Peter Katjavivi (Historian, Ambassador of the Republic of Namibia in Berlin) / Rita Herkenrath (Namibian Embassy)) Moderation: Dierk Schmidt …

Ecologies of Existence. Art and Media beyond the Anthropocene

with contributions by Matthew Fuller (Goldsmiths, University of London), Jennifer Gabrys (Goldsmiths, University of London), Baruch Gottlieb (Telekommunisten, Berlin), Erich Hörl (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg), Knowbotiq (ZHdK, Zürich), Elke Marhöfer und Mikhali Lylov (Berlin)Stamatia Portanova …

focus on art/research projects

Ute Klissenbauer und Dierk Schmidt diskutieren mit Ulrich Lölke spezifische Herausforderungen für ihre Projekte UFO UNO und “Die Teilung der Erde” an der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft, Kunst und Politik.

Future Academy. A research collective's questions to the future of art academies in a global context

For the past two years, Clémentine Deliss has been collaborating with art, design and architecture schools in Bangalore (India), Dakar (Senegal), London and Edinburgh, which address questions about epistemological, architectural and structural parameters of future research and educational …

Sunil Gupta - A Practice

The Kunstraum Leuphana University Lüneburg is delighted to host a presentation of the photographer, activist, and curator Sunil Gupta on the evolution of his interests in the representation of politics to a formally discrete politics of representation. Having moved from Delhi to Montreal as a …

Ho Rui An - Student Bodies

Student Bodies, 2020, 24:35 min

IN MY ROOM - filming the everyday

As part of the exhibition “IN MY ROOM - filming everyday life”, from June 29 to July 1, 2023, cinematic miniatures by students created between 2021-2023 in the eponymous seminar of Berlin filmmaker Caroline Pitzen will be shown. What forms can human beings find to make the supposedly …

Júlia Ayerbe (w/ Dandara Catete) - Conversations on the Bed

This performance is part of the performance series INSIDE WOUNDS

Manifesta 6. The failure is the project

“For substantial reasons, it would not have been meaningful to mount yet another large group exhibition on Cyprus. So we decided to establish a school where cultural production could be investigated by means of transdisciplinary techniques. A school that would deal with the issue of …

Prizing Art. Art Valuation in the Age of Informational Abundance

The lecture of Pierre Pénet and the workshop with him will discuss the proliferation of art prizes and awards. Both parts of the event will investigate their implications for artists’ careers and trajectories. In his lecture, building on the example of the British Turner Prize, Pierre Pénet intends …

Rahel Spöhrer - Haptic Academia

Universities are known as environments hostile to the body and affect with a primary focus on cognitive, rational, and critical thought. They are also sites of disciplinary power, inequalities, discrimination, and abuse. At the same time, the bodies that move through these institutions experience …

Representations of the "Other". The Visual Anthropology of Pierre Bourdieu

Kunstraum der Leuphana Universitaet Lueneburg und Gallery of the Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig in cooperation with the Heinrich-Boell-Stiftung Berlin

The Self-Made Man

from the series of lectures “Conceptual Paradise. Artistic Practice in the Age of the Social Web”

Return of the Colonial Ghosts in Congo-Brussels

In Raoul Peck’s documentary film essay ‘Lumumba – Death of a Prophet’ (1992), the Congolese liberation politician Patrice Lumumba, who was murdered by Belgian, Western and local secret services, wanders about like a ghost in the former colonial metropolis of Brussels. Europe’s colonial foundations …

Second Congress of the Kulturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft

Approximating Migrant and Filmic Practices Using the Example of Harraga Lecture by Brigitta Kuster with subsequent discussion Friday, October 7, 2016, 2:00–3:45 p.m. Session of the section »Kulturwissenschaftliche Ästhetik« (Cultural-Analysis Aesthetics) Discussion of Susanne Leeb’s and Ruth …

Tejal Shah - Between the Waves

The five-channel video installation Between the Waves, 2012, is a "circular fable, a new cosmology bearing a strong commentary on the Anthropocene", as the artist Tejal Shah puts it. Shahs works are informed by a non-binary Buddhist philosophy and practice, queer-feminism and eco-poetics.

Conceptual Paradise


The Dividual

The exhibition „The Dividual“, curated by Joshua Simon at the Kunstraum of Leuphana University Lüneburg, explores an emergent subjectivity, divided from itself, and always-already part of something. With texts and works by Jacob Lawrence, Chris Marker and Alain Resnais, Emmanuela Soria Ruiz, Drexciya, Roee Rosen, Octavia Butler, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Sergei Eisenstein, Sylvère Lotringer, Ruth Patir, Andrei Platonov, Paul Klee, El Lissitzky, Georges Bataille, Emanuel Almborg, Shana Lutker, and Platon Kerzhenetsev.

Demanding Supplies – Nachfragende Angebote I

with nOffice (Markus Miessen, Ralf Pflugfelder, Magnus Nilsson), Berlin/London

On the Trail of Exploitation

The 2010 exhibition "Principio Potosí" archive, curated by Alice Creischer, Max Jorge Hinderer and Andreas Siekmann, is on display at the Kunstraum of Leuphana University. Besides the 36 booklets that can be worked with in the exhibition, students of Leuphana University have responded to selected booklets of the archive with their own images, texts, interviews, and films.

The Campus as a Work of Art

An artistic work in two parts with Christian Philipp Müller

Import / Export Funk Office

Project and exhibition with Renée Green in cooperation with Kulturinformatik (Martin Warnke)


A project with Hans Peter Feldmann and Hans Ulrich Obrist

Public / Private

Poject with Thomas Locher and Peter Zimmermann

Testoo® Muster

with Fabrice Hybert Hybert’s work seeks to systematize itself into categories or their handy short forms. There are prostheses, monsters, prefigurations of a “peinture homéopathique”, prototypes, tables, decorations, transfers (traductions). In Leipzig in April 1997, the “product range” of all …

Das interdisziplinäre Projekt „Kunstraum der Universität Lüneburg“

Das Projekt “Kunstraum der Universität Lüneburg” wurde Anfang der 90er Jahre im Bereich der Kulturwissenschaften konzipiert und im Jahre 1994, unterstützt durch die Stiftung Niedersachsen (Hannover) formell institutionalisiert. Für die Fortführung des Projekts, das von den Autoren …

Critique of Creativity

Creativity is astir: reborn, re-conjured, re-branded, resurgent. The old myths of creation and creators – the hallowed labors and privileged agencies of demiurges and prime movers, of Biblical world-makers and self-fashioning artist-geniuses – are back underway, producing effects, circulating …

Between Intervention and Performance. The revolutionary theater practice of Asja Lācis in the context of the Soviet avant-garde

With this seminar, the scholar Mimmi Woisnitza (theatre and cultural studies) and the artist and director Konstanze Schmitt continue their artistic-scientific collaboration on the avant-garde theater maker Asja Lācis. The aim of their research project “Open Relations” is to make Lācis …