Kunstraum der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg:

Das interdisziplinäre Projekt „Kunstraum der Universität Lüneburg“

Das Projekt “Kunstraum der Universität Lüneburg” wurde Anfang der 90er Jahre im Bereich der Kulturwissenschaften konzipiert und im Jahre 1994, unterstützt durch die Stiftung Niedersachsen (Hannover) formell institutionalisiert. Für die Fortführung des Projekts, das von den Autoren …

Kunstraum der Universität Lüneburg

in: Diethelm Stoller, Klaus Werner, Jan Winkelmann (Hg.): Oumert 3, Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst (Leipzig), S. 154f.

The Social Use of Art and the Charm of Digital Media

Jochen Koubek (University of Bayreuth): Warum das Verbotene so anzieht. Eine medienwissenschaftliche Betrachtung

The (new) order of world images

The lecture will bring together two questions: What images does contemporary art make of “the world” as an entity that is embodied in terms such as globalization, transnationality, postcolonialism, etc.? What images does “the civilized world”, as a hegemonic ordering power …

Beyond Jefferson's Futures. Developing ideas for the foyer of Leuphana University’s Library Foyer

“I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past”. – Really? This quote by Thomas Jefferson is written in the foyer of the library of Leuphana University. It is part of an artwork by Christian Philipp Müller, “Branding the Campus” (1996-98), for which the University …

On the Trail of Exploitation

The 2010 exhibition "Principio Potosí" archive, curated by Alice Creischer, Max Jorge Hinderer and Andreas Siekmann, is on display at the Kunstraum of Leuphana University. Besides the 36 booklets that can be worked with in the exhibition, students of Leuphana University have responded to selected booklets of the archive with their own images, texts, interviews, and films.


The construction of a Fortress Europe as a “European gated community” (Pichl 2024) is no longer just the goal of a pan-European New Right and self-appointed, neo-national socialist border guards, but has also found its way into European governments through the agendas of supposedly …

DEADTIME (“Maggie’s Solo”) with Cally Spooner and Will Holder

“The exhibition at Kunstraum Leuphana University Lüneburg opens on May 30, 6pm and closes on June 28, 6pm. “Maggie’s Solo” is a 44'16" audio recording of Maggie Segale dancing in “early 2020”. The piece by Cally Spooner was also filmed, but the film will not be shown. I met Cally in 2014 which we both forgot...”

Der Bäcker gibt mir das Brot auch so

Introduction: Ulf Wuggenig, Leuphana

Assistances (Working Title) w/ Valentina Desideri, Stefano Harney, Jason Hirata, Will Holder, Annick Kleizen, Cally Spooner, Eric Golo Stone, Mathilde Supe, Terre Thaemlitz, Marina Vishmidt

The event can also be attended online via Zoom (Password: assistant). Day 1: https://leuphana.zoom.us/j/94170832858?pwd=K0lzUjJjNXA1eGVBSW5VWTJGbWI5Zz09

Hartmut Bitomsky. Reichsautobahn / Das Kino und der Wind und die Photographie

Hartmut Bitomsky, »Reichsautobahn«, Germany 1985, 92 min. »Das Kino und der Wind und die Photographie«, Germany 1991, 56 min.

Assistances (Working Title) w/ Valentina Desideri, Stefano Harney, Jason Hirata, Will Holder, Annick Kleizen, Cally Spooner, Eric Golo Stone, Mathilde Supe, Terre Thaemlitz, Marina Vishmidt

The event can also be attended online via Zoom (Password: assistant). Day 2: https://leuphana.zoom.us/j/95681732502?pwd=cWlwWko1ekxlMnp0VHZVVzNGVCt3QT09

The True Value of Art

Roman Kräussl’s lecture deals with development trends on art markets, particularly with the phenomenon of high price phases preferably termed »bubble« in journalistic texts. However, using economic definitions as a basis, bubbles are actually a rare phenomenon in the art market. Against this …

Laura Lambert: Contesting and Decentring Border Externalization - Perspectives from West Africa

Europe’s borders are increasingly located in Africa. Migrants are forcibly stopped there or deported back there. Development funds or humanitarian aid promise them a better future in Africa. These promises often fail. This so-called externalization policy has become a central component of of …

In the Place of the Public Sphere / Publicum. Theorien der Öffentlichkeit

On the occasion of the appearance of two new publications on theories of the public sphere, the editors present these volumes for discussion: Simon Sheik (ed.), In the Place of the Public Sphere. Berlin 2005 (B-Books); Gerald Raunig and Ulf Wuggenig (eds.), Publicum. Theories of the Public Sphere. …

Return of the Colonial Ghosts in Congo-Brussels

In Raoul Peck’s documentary film essay ‘Lumumba – Death of a Prophet’ (1992), the Congolese liberation politician Patrice Lumumba, who was murdered by Belgian, Western and local secret services, wanders about like a ghost in the former colonial metropolis of Brussels. Europe’s colonial foundations …

Positions in Contemporary Architecture

2003 09.01.2003 Wolfgang Kil (Berlin) 23.01.2003 Stefan Braunfels (Munich) 06.02.2003 Axel Schultes (Berlin)

Second Congress of the Kulturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft

Approximating Migrant and Filmic Practices Using the Example of Harraga Lecture by Brigitta Kuster with subsequent discussion Friday, October 7, 2016, 2:00–3:45 p.m. Session of the section »Kulturwissenschaftliche Ästhetik« (Cultural-Analysis Aesthetics) Discussion of Susanne Leeb’s and Ruth …

The First Congress of the Kulturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft

Keynotes by Sigrid Weigel (Berlin), Andreas Reckwitz (Frankfurt/Oder), Heidrun Friese (Chemnitz), and Orit Halpern (Montréal)

Postsecular Reckonings: Spirituality and Religion in Contemporary Art History and Cultural Studies

This international workshop is dedicated to religious reverberations in artistic and cultural practices, especially throughout the Americas, exploring the spiritual residues of our disciplines and methodologies. The workshop opens with the scenic ritual “MOMENTO MOCHE” by Emilio Urbay and Sonja …

The Division of the World

After years of experimenting with today’s possibilities of the strongly tainted artistic genre of historical painting and the traditions of modern painting, Dierk Schmidt has most recently been dealing with the role which the German Reich played in the history of colonialism. German involvement in …

Image Worlds and Knowledge Systems. The Genesis of Modern Natural Sciences – Galileo and the Consequences

Moderator: Dr. Martin Warnke, Information Technology and Culture, Leuphana University of Lueneburg

The Abstractions of International Law and Abstract Visual Languages in Art

The Trial of the Herero Genocide in International Law Presenters: Malte Jaguttis (International Lawyer) Prof. Dr. Axel Kämmerer (International Lawyer) Dr. Peter Katjavivi (Historian, Ambassador of the Republic of Namibia in Berlin) / Rita Herkenrath (Namibian Embassy)) Moderation: Dierk Schmidt …

Backstage I

Exhibition in three parts and three phases »Ozarichi, März 1944« in UC, Hall 25 »Megalothymia« in UC, building 10, ground floor Christian Boltanski, »Die Archive der Großeltern« in UC, building 7, basement Opening of »Backstage I« on Wednesday, March 8, 2017, 7pm in lecture hall 5 with …

Conceptual art. Just Another (Sign-)Politics of Aesthetics?

from the series of lectures “Conceptual Paradise. Artistic Practice in the Age of the Social Web”

The Campus as a Work of Art

An artistic work in two parts with Christian Philipp Müller

Visit of survivors of the extermination camps in Ozarichi 1944

On August 11, 2017, the Kunstraum was the site of a visit to Leuphana University by a group of six women from Ozarichi in Belarus - Lidija Dormasch, Maria Nowik, Maria Schetschko, Maria Lapowa, Valentina Odnokrylowa and Valentina Schislo. This meeting at the University was initiated by the Working …

The Field of Art in Hamburg

Volker Pekron deals with questions related to the distribution of contemporary art in Hamburg. As the frame of reference for his empirical study, he did not choose notions such as the »art world« or the »(operating) system art«, but Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of the field that is connoted with …

Dierk Schmidt: The Division of the Earth

Based on the series of images by Dierk Schmidt shown at documenta 12 in Kassel, this volume documents a project that is based on years of research and does not stop at the documentary “visualization” of the subject matter: At the Berlin Africa Conference of 1884/85, the European powers …

Henri Lefebvre, the State and Social Movements

The event is held in the context of the exhibition »Front, Field, Line, Plane – Researching the Militant Image« by Urban Subjects (Sabine Bitter/Jeff Derksen/Helmut Weber), who in 2009 already cooperated with Klaus Ronneberger for the project »Autogestion, or Henri Lefebvre in New Belgrade«.

Border Crossing Services

A project on border, migration and refugee assistance with Martin Krenn and Oliver Ressler (Vienna)

Conceptual art in relation to the notion of the picture in art

In the first of his three lectures at Leuphana University Lueneburg in summer semester 2008, Stefan Roemer explores the critique of the traditional notion of the picture in art as developed by conceptual art. In the frame of the project “CONCEPTUAL PARADISE - a film database on conceptual …

In the Stomach of the Predators. The Monopolization of Seeds and its Methodological Representation

In his long-term works, the Berlin-based artist Andreas Siekmann is frequently engaged with the privatisation of public property and the restructuring of labour relations under the conditions of globalisation. This is also the case with »In the Stomach of the Predators«, an installation from 2014 …

Against Art’s History. Midnight Workers, Art Strikers and Others

A workshop dedicated to discussing recent attempts at updating Marxist and materialist art histories, theories and critique, for the question: »Cui bono?« is not only addressed to art itself, but also to writing about, exhibiting and historicizing art. In preparation for the workshop a reader …

The Image as Battlefield in the Global Cold War. From the Revolutionary Image towards the Humanitarian Misunderstanding

Between 1980 and 1986 a number of four-week courses for photography took place in Beirut, Aden (Yemen), Berlin, and Tunis. The participants were wounded, aged or young revolutionaries of various Palestinian organizations and communist associations in Lebanon who in cooperation with Horst Sturm – …

The Anomie of the World of Finance

The changes in the financial markets have offered unimagined possibilities for individual and collective actors – »rational egoists« – with dramatic economic and social effects. The crises in Greece and Spain give recent examples. New forms of investment can be observed in the cultural fields as …

In No-one’s Time. The Dispute Surrounding the Concept of Event in Post-structuralism

»Event« is one of the major concepts that »French philosophy« of the 1960s has left us. It was brought into the debate with the aim of intervening in the political and theoretical crisis of Marxism after its historio-philosophical foundations had been shattered. But as one can see in the figures of …

Individualistic Conformism – and other kinds of "post-bourgeois" lifestyles

The apparent contradiction of a simultaneous individualization of lifestyles and a parallel increase in conformism is not to be resolved dialectically (“colorful ants”), nor in terms of control society theory (subjects control themselves through increased individualism), but by …

Wien Feber Null. Eine Ästhetik des Widerstands (Aestehtics of Resistance)

Philosopher Gerald Raunig, who is a member of the board of IG Kultur und Medien in Austria, will present the theses formulated in his recently published book about the actions of the Viennese “resistance” against the black-blue government of February 2000 and will also show film footage …

Critique of Creativity

Creativity is astir: reborn, re-conjured, re-branded, resurgent. The old myths of creation and creators – the hallowed labors and privileged agencies of demiurges and prime movers, of Biblical world-makers and self-fashioning artist-geniuses – are back underway, producing effects, circulating …

Between Intervention and Performance. The revolutionary theater practice of Asja Lācis in the context of the Soviet avant-garde

With this seminar, the scholar Mimmi Woisnitza (theatre and cultural studies) and the artist and director Konstanze Schmitt continue their artistic-scientific collaboration on the avant-garde theater maker Asja Lācis. The aim of their research project “Open Relations” is to make Lācis …

Dziga Vertov. Der Umsturz

In his video lecture Thomas Tode will introduce the works of the soviet filmmaker Dziga Vertov. By means of ten filmic examples the relationship between Vertovs manifests and his technics of editing will be discussed.

The Grandparents' Archives

Project with Christian Boltanski and Hans Ulrich Obrist

Forms of Organisation

with Ibon Aranberri (Bilbao), Andreas Siekmann (Berlin), Latifa Echakhch (Paris), Peter Friedl (Berlin), Ines Doujak (Vienna), Andrea Geyer/Sharon Hayes (New York/Los Angeles), Sanja Ivecovic (Zagreb), Rainer Oldendorf (Paris), Lisl Ponger (Vienna), Alejandra Riera (Paris), Dierk Schmidt (Berlin), …

Backstage III

Exhibition in three parts and phases »Ozarichi, März 1944« in campus hall 25 »Megalothymia« in campus building 10, ground floor Christian Boltanski, »Die Archive der Großeltern« in campus building 7, basement Opening of »Backstage III« on Wednesday, June 14, at 6:30pm with short presentations and a …

Backstage II

Exhibition in three parts and three phases »Ozarichi, März 1944« in campus hall 25 »Megalothymia« in campus building 10, ground floor Christian Boltanski, »Die Archive der Großeltern« in campus building 7, basement Opening of »Backstage II« on Wednesday, April 26, at 6:15pm with short presentations …

Park McArthur – Twice

Artist Park McArthur joins the M.A. Cultures of Critique at the Leuphana University Lüneburg for the 2023/24 winter term to conceptualize an exhibition for the Kunstraum. McArthur’s engagement with the Kunstraum begins with a listening session on October 25 and concludes with a public symposium and exhibition in January 2024. Under the influence of disabled artists’ ongoing experiments in description, McArthur’s exhibitionary desires are guided by and bound to the materiality of disability access (Geelia Ronkina).

Open Codes?

Exhibition in Collaboration with the ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe

Demanding Supplies – Nachfragende Angebote III

with Daniel Buren, Diego Castro, Maria Eichhorn, Katja Staats, Stephan Dillemuth, Loretta Fahrenholz, Phillip Zach, nOffice


Kunstraum of the Leuphana University Lüneburg is delighted to announce the opening of Philipp Gufler´s solo exhibition "Unterwerfungen". Bringing together old and new works and structured by Gufler’s ongoing collaboration with the self-organized Forum Queeres Archiv München, "Unterwerfungen" tracks the various ways in which Gufler stages archival material, resisting the heteronormative capture of a resistant past.

Demanding Supplies – Nachfragende Angebote II

Dealing with – Some books, visuals, and works related to American Fine Arts, Co. Art Club 2000, Patterson Beckwith, J. St. Bernard, John Dogg, Jackie McAllister, James Meyer at Halle fuer Kunst, Lueneburg, and Stephan Dillemuth, Loretta Fahrenholz, Karl Holmqvist, Phillip Zach at Kunstraum of …

Assistances (Working Title)

A two-day workshop with Valentina Desideri, Stefano Harney, Jason Hirata, Will Holder, Annick Kleizen, Cally Spooner, Eric Golo Stone, Mathilde Supe, Terre Thaemlitz, Marina Vishmidt

The assistant who doesn’t identify with their work is often a bringer of horrible mood, which is not to be underestimated. In fact, it can serve us as a methodology...


Film screenings within the framework of <reformpause> at various public locations (lecture halls, art room, seminar rooms). A <reformpause> cinema will be programmed at various public venues (lecture halls, art room, seminar rooms), in which the examination and critique of educational …

The Professor´s Body. On Academic Affect and Habitus

As bell hooks famously observed in her 1993 essay “Eros, Eroticism, and the Pedagogical Process”, the professor’s body is marked by both “repression and denial”. Caught up in the long-exhausted Cartesian split between body and mind, teaching in higher education appears to be a predominantly …

Workshop: Organization as a Medium of Contemporary Art

In artistic and activist practices since the 1990s, we can grasp a search for alternative modes of organizing within and against corporate capitalism. In turn, the challenges of organizing beyond spontaneist networks began to be thought and worked through more systematically in the wake of the …

Alice Creischer, Andreas Siekmann: Potosí Principle Archive

With texts by Sonia Abián, Edgar Arandia, Elvira Espejo Ayca, John Barker, Christian v. Borries, Matthijs de Bruijne, George Caffentzis, Roberto Choque Canqui, Cultural Worker Coalition against the Humboldtforum, Anthony Davies, Chto Delat, Ines Doujak, Silvia Federici, Leon Ferrari, Maria Galindo, …

Maximiliane Baumgartner - WIE DU MIR, SO TEIL ICH DIR (TIT FOR TAT)

This presentation and performance lecture will be in German

Leda Bourgogne - The Professor's Body

As bell hooks famously observed in her 1993 essay “Eros, Eroticism, and the Pedagogical Process”, the professor’s body is marked by both “repression and denial”. Caught up in the long-exhausted Cartesian split between body and mind, teaching in higher education appears to be a predominantly …

Zavier Nunn - Trans Liminalities: Histories From Weimar and Nazi Germany

Focusing on trans women’s subjectivities, this talk explores the micro and macro registers of how everyday trans life was experienced, policed, and cut short across the Weimar and Nazi regimes, sometimes in surprising – but always uneven – ways.

1 - 1 = 2 Hybert-Marché

With Fabrice Hybert and Hans Ulrich Obrist in cooperation with the ARC, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris


Front, Field, Line, Plane

The idea and images of protest have moved to the foreground recently both in the work of artists and in the global media. On the one hand, artists are documenting the wave of protests that have built up since the memorable moment of Seattle in 1999 up to the ascendance of the Occupy movement; and …

Economies of Misery

An exhibition of photographs by Pierre Bourdieu In cooperation with Camera Austria Graz (Christine Frisinghelli), University of Geneva, Département de Sociologie (Franz Schultheis) and Fondation Pierre Bourdieu, Geneva https://camera-austria.at

Female Identities in the Post-Utopian. Perspectives on Post-Socialism from Art and Theory

with Anabela Angelovska, Anna Bitkina, Ana Bogdanović, Anetta Mona Chişa & Lucia Tkáčová, Suza Husse, Katja Kobolt, Elena Korowin, Petra Lange-Berndt, Monika Rüthers, Jana Seehusen, Bettina Steinbrügge

A Trans Hirschfeld Renaissance w/ Leah Tigers, Dean Erdmann, Maxi Wallenhorst and Raimund Wolfert

The conversation between historian and essayist Leah Tigers, artist Dean Erdmann, and historian Raimund Wolfert, moderated by author Maxi Wallenhorst and curator Christopher Weickenmeier, engages the recent proliferation of historical, literary, and artistic practices concerning the Institute for …

ReproReality HackLab 005 – 006, FertilityCave 1.0.7

»ReproReality HackLabs« are a series of gatherings of likeminded and associated as well as individuals to discuss ideas and develop tools around Reproductive Technologies. They aim to extract these Technologies from their biopolitical determination. »ReproReality HackLabs« are hosted by a lifeline …

The Dividual

The exhibition „The Dividual“, curated by Joshua Simon at the Kunstraum of Leuphana University Lüneburg, explores an emergent subjectivity, divided from itself, and always-already part of something. With texts and works by Jacob Lawrence, Chris Marker and Alain Resnais, Emmanuela Soria Ruiz, Drexciya, Roee Rosen, Octavia Butler, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Sergei Eisenstein, Sylvère Lotringer, Ruth Patir, Andrei Platonov, Paul Klee, El Lissitzky, Georges Bataille, Emanuel Almborg, Shana Lutker, and Platon Kerzhenetsev.


Exhibition in collaboration with students and the Kunstraum der Universität Lüneburg, in the frame of the project transform

Sapphic Entanglements

Queer studies scholar Kadji Amin calls for “fuck[ing] with the universalizing presumptions of the taxonomical method from within by generating idiosyncratic interpretations and translations that explode the epistemological and ontological foundations of taxonomy itself.” (Amin 2023) Sapphic …

Against Masculine Domination. Building the Body

Female bodybuilding has been discussed as a queer practice of transgressing stereotypes of sex, gender and essentialist forms of identity, as well as a field in which, in a paradoxical way, open and veiled practices of reproduction of such stereotypes and the common-sense gender binary (especially …

Making Worlds

Open workshop of the <reformpause> project group led by Marion von Osten (artist, Berlin/Zurich) with the Kunstraum of the University of Lueneburg and members of the Institute for Cultural Theory, as well as guests: Madeleine Bernstorff, Julia Franz, MeineAkademie Berlin, Preclab Research …

Susanne Leeb & Sven Beckstette

Susanne Leeb (University of Basel): »Cycles of Painting and Entangled Histories: Luc Tuymans and Tshibumba Kanda Matulu« Globalization not only entails an increased engagement with arts worldwide, but also with earlier transnational entanglements. Entanglements that, characterized by colonialism, …

Planetary Consciousness

International group exhibition in the context of the project translate Artists: Christine Meisner, Mathias Poledna, Lisl Ponger, José Alejandro Restrepo

Urban Subjects

A project of Urban Subjects in cooperation with Kunstraum of Leuphana Leuphana University of Lüneburg and Leuphana Arts Program.


Following a rally in Paris in conjunction with a Hybert exhibition at the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Fabrice Hybert and students from the University of Lüneburg transformed the campus of the University of Lüneburg into a test track for Hybert’s prototypes of participatory …

Cataloging Logistics. Migration, Digitisation, Forms of Life

The workshop »Cataloging Logistics 2« departs from the premise that logistics poses both a decisive terrain for contemporary transformations in social and everyday life and a critical theoretical lens for understanding the present. Beyond matters of timely concern, the workshop’s focus on …

focus on art/research projects

Ute Klissenbauer und Dierk Schmidt diskutieren mit Ulrich Lölke spezifische Herausforderungen für ihre Projekte UFO UNO und “Die Teilung der Erde” an der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft, Kunst und Politik.

Olympia Bukkakis – The Work of Drag

On December 20, the Kunstraum and the Center for Critical Studies are pleased to host a workshop, guided by drag artist and choreographer Olympia Bukkakis. The workshop will attend to the work that goes into drag and the material conditions of a performative practice that purposely blurs the site …

Organization as a Medium of Contemporary Art

Day one 12:30 - 13:00: Get-together (incl. snacks) 13:00 – 13:30:  Welcome and Introduction Susanne Leeb and Christopher Weickenmeier 13:30 – 15:30:  Roundtable on Institutions and other Infrastructures  Moderation: Timon Beyes Panelists: Sabeth Buchmann, Jazael Olguín Zapata, Marina Vishmidt 15:30 …

Peninsula Europe. The Force Majeure Works

Continuing a tradition of symposia (»Art, Ecology and Sustainable Development«, 2000) and artistic projects at the Kunstraum that have addressed issues of ecology and sustainability (Dan Peterman »Greenhouse«, 1998 and Fabrice Hybert »pof83 [pylône]«, 2000 amongst others), Helen Mayer Harrison and …

Conceptual Paradise


Demanding Supplies – Nachfragende Angebote I

with nOffice (Markus Miessen, Ralf Pflugfelder, Magnus Nilsson), Berlin/London


International group exhibition in the context of the project transform Artists: Andreas Fogarasi, Katya Sander, Urtica, art and media research group

Art and its Frames. Continuity and Change

with Beatrice von Bismarck (Leipzig/Berlin), Julia Bryan-Wilson (Berkeley), Helmut Draxler (Berlin/Nürnberg), Andrea Fraser (Los Angeles), Renée Green (Cambridge, Mass.), Hannes Loichinger (Lüneburg), Sven Lütticken (Amsterdam), John Miller (New York), Marion von Osten (Berlin), Gerald Raunig …

Ecologies of Existence. Art and Media beyond the Anthropocene

with contributions by Matthew Fuller (Goldsmiths, University of London), Jennifer Gabrys (Goldsmiths, University of London), Baruch Gottlieb (Telekommunisten, Berlin), Erich Hörl (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg), Knowbotiq (ZHdK, Zürich), Elke Marhöfer und Mikhali Lylov (Berlin)Stamatia Portanova …

What do we talk about when we talk about... with Charlotte Wiedemann

Charlotte Wiedemann (Journalist, Author/LIAS Public Fellow)

What do we talk about when we talk about... with Dani Gal

Dani Gal (Filmmaker and Artist, Berlin)

all our tomorrows

International group exhibition in the frame of the project translate Artists: Donald Rodney, Shilpa Gupta, Hetain Patel, Owusu-Ankomah, Elmgreen and Dragset, Song Dong, Zhang Dali, Yukiko Terada, Hew Locke, Nomeda and Gediminas Urbonas, Sabine Fassl, Johannes Wohnseifer and Lisl Ponger

Public / Private

Poject with Thomas Locher and Peter Zimmermann


The Kunstraum of Leuphana University Lüneburg is a project space for exhibitions, lectures, workshops, conferences, film screenings and performances. It offers students the opportunity to work with artists and curators, developing exhibitions, encountering artistic perspectives and practices and …

Aesthetics of Measurement

The research project »Towards (Im)measurability of Art and Life« by Miya Yoshida (Art & Civic Media, Innovation Incubator, Lüneburg) addresses the ambivalence of measurement and measurability in contemporary realities and questions the apparent tendency to increasingly classify more and more …

Post-X Politics

This workshop is a follow-up event to a workshop on Media Ecologies which took place in November 2016 at Concordia University, organized by the Global Emergent Media Lab and a reading group on Readings Around Media in Japan. In bringing this unique style of a reading group seminar to Lueneburg we …

Epistemology of Measurement

The research project »Towards (Im)measurability of Art and Life« by Miya Yoshida (Art & Civic Media, Innovation Incubator, Lüneburg) addresses the ambivalence of measurement and measurability in contemporary realities and questions the apparent tendency to increasingly classify more and more …

Olympia Bukkakis with Dagat Mera – Material Performance

Drag queen and choreographer Olympia Bukkakis will present a version of “Material Performance”. In this piece Olympia works with, against, for, and under 10 meters of red fabric. This time she is joined by artist and janitor Dagat Mera in a performative exploration of labour conditions, …

Representations of the "Other". The Visual Anthropology of Pierre Bourdieu

Kunstraum der Leuphana Universitaet Lueneburg und Gallery of the Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig in cooperation with the Heinrich-Boell-Stiftung Berlin

What do we talk about when we talk about...Nakba and International Law...with Nahed Samour

International law is becoming increasingly important for categorising the violence in Palestine and Israel. In particular, the proceedings before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC) deal with issues such as genocide, war crimes or the illegality of the occupation as well as the right to self-determination of the Palestinian people.


An exhibition organized by Leuphana Arts Program (LAP), hosted by Kunstraum of Leuphana University of Lüneburg with Martin John Callanan (UK), Driessens & Verstappen (NL), Sabrina Raaf (US), Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag (DE), and Herwig Turk (AT/PT)

Alienating Presents. Recovering Futures

Talking about the future is not so easy today. It risks depoliticisation from two opposing sides. Our political imagination oscillates between feelings of hopelessness and fatalism on the one hand, and hollow stories of cruel optimism on the other. Both doom via irreversible climate catastrophe or …

Sunil Gupta - A Practice

The Kunstraum Leuphana University Lüneburg is delighted to host a presentation of the photographer, activist, and curator Sunil Gupta on the evolution of his interests in the representation of politics to a formally discrete politics of representation. Having moved from Delhi to Montreal as a …

Ho Rui An - Student Bodies

Student Bodies, 2020, 24:35 min

Occupational Realism

The lecture »Occupational Realism« by US-American art historian and critic Julia Bryan-Wilson at the Kunstraum of Leuphana University of Lüneburg draws upon her recent thinking of artistic labor and relates thoughts on the Art Workers’ Coalition (AWC) to the current Occupy Wall Street Movement. In …

Politics of Measurement

The research project »Towards (Im)measurability of Art and Life« by Miya Yoshida (Art & Civic Media, Innovation Incubator, Lüneburg) addresses the ambivalence of measurement and measurability in contemporary realities and questions the apparent tendency to increasingly classify more and more …

What do we talk about when we talk about ... IHRA und Jerusalem Declaration

Peter Ullrich, Center for Research on Antisemitism, TU Berlin (German)

What do we talk about when we talk about ... Never Again

Omer Bartov, Holocaust Scholar and Professor for European History and German Studies, Brown University (English; Omer Bartov will join us via Zoom)

Wilson Sherwin – Bread and Rose Perfume: Politics of Abundance and Pleasure Against Precarity

Remote participation is possible via the following link: https://leuphana.zoom.us/j/94544702729?pwd=ZnV1TjBkZDR3clE1L0NtYUh0YzM4QT09 (Meeting ID: 945 4470 2729; Passcode: 303114) In the late 1960s and early 1970s, at the peak of the Vietnam war, poor Black welfare recipients across the …

Temporalities of the Artistic Field. On the Practice, Materiality and Historicity of Artistic Production

In his talk, Hilmar Schäfer will raise questions on how artistic production can be grasped as a movement of practices and materialities through time. To this end, Pierre Bourdieu’s field and practice theory can first be used to establish a conceptual frame of reference. However, his neglect of …

Field research: art world Zurich

Project with Christian Tarnai (Munich)


Beyond a moralizing logic of pain as punishment, what are the critical merits of wounds?


A project with Hans Peter Feldmann and Hans Ulrich Obrist

Die offene Bibliothek

Die Publikation erschien anlässliche des Projekts “Die offene Bibliothek” von Clegg & Guttman.


This practice seminar provides an occasion to consider American artist Park McArthur’s practice and presence among a recent generation of artists whose conceptualist and institutionally-responsive strategies both critique and re-imagine life’s material conditions in the 21st century. Introduced to a wider public with her solo exhibition Ramps, 2014, McArthur’s concern for the aesthetic possibilities and formal invention of debility, disability, and dependency have been the subject of solo and group exhibitions. Furthermore, how audiences access and experience artworks is a central concern of this course and of McArthur’s work more generally.


»Untitled (Bergisel)«, 1996, 1 min »Olympia«, 2001, 4 min »Entrée«, 1998/1999, 9 min »Untitled (Spiegeltuxer)«, 2011/2015, 7 min »Cup of Coffee«, 2011, 7 min »Haus der Regierung«, 2014/2017, 12 min (raw edit)

Acousmatics as a Laboratory

Acousmatics is a way of staging the voice in which the carrier of the voice is deliberately kept invisible. The Larousse Dictionary defines acousmatics as a sound that we hear without being able to see its origin. With the invention of radiophony and telephony, acousmatics – voices without a body – …

Art, Ecology and Sustainable Development

The symposium “Art, ecology and sustainable development” deals with ecologically oriented art/architecture and investigates the relevance of the current discourses on “sustainable development”, which also accompany the EXPO 2000 in Hannover, for art and the art field. The …

Art in the Periphery of the Center

Peripheries are profoundly ambiguous regions. While trying to build an attachment to their center, the periphery often finds itself marginalized or even excluded both on a structural and actor-related level – no matter if the center-periphery model is defined in terms of space or along relations of …

Bitsy Knox – W'etter,

In her inaugural performance as guest lecturer this May at Kunstraum, Bitsy Knox will enter into a correspondence with the rain. As Knox´s prerecorded voice mixes with the amplified sound of rainwater being pumped into the Kunstraum, a subjectivity emerges that is indivisible from the ontogenesis …

Research Avatara Species Transformellae and the WordWideWitch. Constructed bodies harvesting psycho-realist knowledge

Transformellae and WordWideWitch are just two of the multiple, fictional identities and hysterical-subversive drag characters of the artist Johannes Paul Raether. They are drawn from Raether’s cyclical performance system Systema identitekturae, in which he has been gathering embodiments as well as …

Guy Hocquenghem’s – Homosexual Desire

The dazzling first work of philosopher and LGBTI activist Guy Hocquenghem is a pivotal and initial work of queer theory. Based on Freud’s discovery of polymorphous desire, Hocquenghem outlines a materialist, psychoanalytically informed theory of desire, with which he sets out to critique the …

I want to be a dog in America

Stih & Schnock are Berlin based artists, who explore how memory functions in the social sphere and how it is reflected symbolically in culture and urban space. There is to be found an ongoing interest in collections and museums, which they conceive as places of collective cultural memory. In …

irational. Anarchaeology and Futurology of an Artserver

In 2010 art-server irational.org made an archived copy of itself, presenting a disk artefact with 18 years of historical data for archaeological translation. Before being disposed of, or interred for collection, any archaeological dig of this disk makes the owners of its data vulnerable and …

Artist talk

After a joint tour of Sergei Tcherepnin’s exhibition »Body Bound Notations«, during which he will »actualize« several of his sound sculptures, Fiona McGovern and Axel Wieder will talk with him about the underlying musical and theoretical concepts, as well as the potentials and problems involved in …

More Details from an Imaginary Universe

Title of Matt Mullican’s solo exhibition in Porto, Oxford, Barcelona, St. Gallen, Krefeld and Bolzano 2000-2001.

Sustainable: Art

with Jeff Derksen, Bettina von Dziembowski, Dan Peterman, Marjetica Potrc sowie Diego Castro, Fabian Reimann, Katja Staats, Niko Wolf (Winners of the Daniel Frese Prize 2011 and 2012)

New Patrons in Hamburg

The project of the “New Patrons” in Hamburg is a film by Harun Farocki on the work of the Quickborner Team (QT). The consulting firm specialised in designing office spaces is currently developing a new “consulting product”. During the past years, QT always called for …

Prizing Art. Art Valuation in the Age of Informational Abundance

The lecture of Pierre Pénet and the workshop with him will discuss the proliferation of art prizes and awards. Both parts of the event will investigate their implications for artists’ careers and trajectories. In his lecture, building on the example of the British Turner Prize, Pierre Pénet intends …

Processing Worlds, Processing Back Words. Thinking Through the Act of Curating

In her presentation, Miya Yoshida will discuss the potentials, limitations and possibilities of artistic research by introducing her PhD project at Malmö Art Academy / Lund University she realized in 2006, simultaneously an exhibition that she engaged as a research. Based on this project, she will …

Tanja Šljivar & Zuzana Žabková – Tomorrow, we talk, with and by Young-Actress-in-the-Actor-Category2 and Young-Vampire-Branko-Black-Rose

About consent we wait for, that we crave, and which gives us temporary safeness. Consent that none of us is sure, we ever gave or asked for. Consent to cancellation. Consent which we will not talk about again tomorrow.

Unlikely Coexistences. A Conversation with Ana Druwe

Ana Druwe is one of the members of Casa do Povo, São Paulo, a cultural center that revisits and reinvents the notions of culture, community and memory. Casa do Povo was founded in 1946 by Jewish immigrants as a living monument in memory of the Shoa. From the beginning, it was a space for gathering …

What do we talk about when we talk about ... Moishe Postone

Frank Engster, Helle Panke e.V., Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Berlin (German)

Contemporary Art and African Perspectives

Moderation: Beate Söntgen


EU-project in cooperation with Van Abbe Museum, Eindhoven, NL European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies, Wien, A Kumu Art Museum / Art Museum of Estonia, Tallinn, EST Lentos Kunstmuseum, Linz, A MACBA, Barcelona, E


The eponymous exhibition combines filmed art works, tribunal documentaries, and artistic works that address and critique the institution of the tribunal – as well as a spatial intervention designed by Mirjam Thomann – created for this exhibition, and framing it in an installation-like language as a site of negotiation.

ACT − Program in Art, Culture, Technology. Artistic research and transdisciplinary cooperation at MIT

from the series of lectures “Conceptual Paradise. Artistic Practice in the Age of the Social Web”

ana zeno de courcy - If Our Bodies Could Rust

If the body could rust, how would it decay? Through the strain of resilience or the quiet erosion of touch? In this work, the body is both structure and surface, enduring weight and releasing it. Balanced on a metal grid perched atop ice packs, the performer’s movements carry the duality of …

Art at Auction. A Record of Records

Christophe Spaenjers is an economist from Belgium, known in the contemporary field of art for his historical research on the art market. »Art and Money«, available in two papers co-authored with William Goetzmann (Yale University) and Luc Renneboog (Tilburg University) in 2010 and 2011, is his best …

Creating Effects. On the Ideology and Efficiency and Its Institutions

Following the main line of the project transform, which investigates new forms of institutional critique between 2005 and 2008, the conference “Creating Effects” will research the ideology and effectivity of creativity and its institutions in postfordist capitalism. When creativity, virtuosity and …

The Soviet Union as Conceptual Paradise. Moscow ‘Existential’ Conceptualism and Other Oddities

from the series of lectures “Conceptual Paradise. Artistic Practice in the Age of the Social Web”

Down with Love. Feminist Critique and the New Ideologies of Work

Kathi Weeks will draw on the 1970s feminist critiques of love, romance, and feminine fulfillment to develop a critique of the popular mandate to »love your work« and the burgeoning literature on »happiness at work.« Kathi Weeks is a Professor in the Program »Gender, Sexuality & Feminist …

Practice in Art Criticism

Art criticism today can’t exclusively be concerned with the description and classification of works of art any more. Rather art criticism has to reflect on the terms and conditions of the artistic field, that have dramatically changed since the 1980s and which at least co-determine what and …

Florian Dombois & Christoph Oeschger: Films of the Wind

Where’s the wind when it’s not blowing? Can it be contained in a film? Most wind tunnels are there for testing. Almost everything is tested in them: Cars, air-planes, rockets, but also flies, people, or baseballs. After the testing comes optimization. The technologies of mobility …

Gold, Weihrauch und Malerei. Notion and Representation of Value in Art

What is the value of art? What kind of desire transforms objects without any use value into valuable art. Not only the spectacular development of art prices in the recent years have triggered the debate of questions of value in art. In this workshop, different concepts of value will be examined in …

Mavi Veloso – (her) Delights

Drawing inspiration from Claudia Wonder and her Jardim das Delicias, the performance (her) Delights presents a series of dreams, sexual anxieties, voice & body experimentation, a constellation of technologies and (trans)witchcrafts. Challenging the binaries male and female, the body becomes...

Melanie Gilligan, Cooper Francis

Rather than accepting a 2001 »cybernetic hypothesis« that postulated historical stasis grounded in transparent information flows and techniques of population management, this workshop will examine on-going efforts to engineer the technical infrastructure of a global market that still characterizes …

Park McArthur – Twice

Park McArthur Twice 17.1.2024, 6pm (CEST), noon (EDT), Hybrid, ASL and DGS https://leuphana.zoom.us/j/94230712722?pwd=SWFqNm9zQXhEYUdGWitzcGlNMnVqZz09 Meeting ID: 942 3071 2722, Passcode: twice With Nina Bartnitzek, Leonie Dinkloh, Daniela Fernanda Oliva Garcia, Patricia Fritze, Paula …

Rahel Spöhrer - Haptic Academia

Universities are known as environments hostile to the body and affect with a primary focus on cognitive, rational, and critical thought. They are also sites of disciplinary power, inequalities, discrimination, and abuse. At the same time, the bodies that move through these institutions experience …

Ruxin Liu - Whose Emotion Is This?

Our daily lives involve navigating the spectrum between tension and ease in interpersonal relationships. Our interactions with others shape the landscape of our social connections. We develop different relationships with anger and shame due to our diverse cultural and social backgrounds. Under what …

SIEV-X. On a case of intensified refugee politics

on the occasion of the publication Dierk Schmidt: SIEV-X. On a case of aggravated refugee policy. A picture cycle in three parts, talks and texts. Series polypen at b_books, Berlin 2005.

TRANSFORM. Institution and critique

Under the title TRANSFORM, a transnational research project funded by the EU Culture 2000 priority will be launched this fall as a successor to re publicart. Over the next three years, the project will explore aspects of the relationship between institution and critique. Coordinated by the …

Tribunalism. The Case for Art

The conference “Tribunalism. The Case for Art” brings together artists, legal theorists, theater and art scholars, and activists to discuss what spaces artistic tribunals open up, what can be said that cannot be said elsewhere and in other ways, how the invocation of a juridical form …

weight, véhicules and telepathy, how "la facultad" feels at a distance

with Catalina Insignares, Henrike Kohpeiß, Myriam Lefkowitz

Dedicated to exiled people and those who assist them, la facultad is a site where our dormant sensory faculties are exercised, so that we can hear, study and amplify them in collaborative situations. For the public talk on April 27, Lefkowitz and Insignares depart from written reflections on la facultad (and its different iterations since 2017), drawing out some of the ideas in dialogue with the philosopher Henrike Kohpeiß. The talk approaches an ongoing project at a distance.

The Government

With Ibon Aranberri (Bilbao), Maja Bajevic (Paris), Archiv Tucumán Arde (betreut von Graciela Carnevale; in Zusammenarbeit mit Alice Creischer und Andreas Siekmann), Alice Creischer (Berlin), Danica Dakic (Düsseldorf), Filmen von Maya Deren, Ines Doujak (Vienna), Patrick Faigenbaum (Paris), Harun …

Queer, Life, Freedom. Archive of Resilience

“Queer, Life, Freedom” is a deeply personal and politically charged exploration of identity, exile, and survival. Inspired by the artist’s own experiences, the exhibition is divided into three spaces—representing Iran, Turkey, and Germany—each reflecting a different phase of the journey …

Assisting and the Arts of Services

Whether it is the studio of an institutionally successful painter or the provincial municipal theater, there is a reliance on poorly paid assistants and/or usually unpaid interns in order to function smoothly. Many of us have accepted those positions because we hoped that they would be ‘repaid’ in …

To care for people before us

The practice seminar "To care for people before us" with visual artist Philipp Gufler takes as its starting point his many years of practice and artistic research with queer and self-organized archives and examines the mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion of (hetereo)normative and hegemonic historiography through intergenerational archival work.

Autogestion. Self-Organization and Social Transformation

From the Right to the City movement to the Transition Towns network, the role of self-organization has come back to the front stage of social, political and environmental practices involving activists as well as artists. How do self-organized communities search for »paths through utopia«? What is …

Carolina Mendonça & Lara Ferrari - Zones of Resplendence

Zones of Resplendence explores forms of manifestation for a potential feminized army. Carolina Mendonça and Lara Ferrari investigate whether you can fight a war with vulnerability, expanding the perspective on violence. By using the body in different ways, they prepare themselves for a possible confrontation.

Memory Culture – Memory Politics. The Campus, its military past in the 1930s / 1940s and adequate forms of memory against the background of populism from the right and neo-fascist tendencies

with Anne-Kristin Kruse (London School of Economics), Michaela Melián (Hamburg, HfBK), Christoph Schäfer (Hamburg), Nico Stockmann (Friedrichshafen, Zeppelin University), Nicole Stöcklmayr (Lüneburg, mecs Leuphana), Susanne Leeb and Ulf Wuggenig (Kunstraum of Leuphana) and the Arbeitskreis …

From Models to Monsters. Representing the World Economy and its Discontents

A Workshop by the DFG Research Training Group »Cultures of Critique«

(Colonial)Archaeology and Contemporary Art

The artists’ colloquium emerges from the »(Colonial) Archaeology and Contemporary Art« seminar within the »Practice Field Art« program. The seminar focuses on the colonial histories of archaeology in the Middle East and Egypt, and on the relationship between imperialism, capitalism and …

"Enduring boredom": Heiner Goebbels and Anne Gräfe in conversation

In her book “Langeweile Aushalten - Kontingenzerfahrung in der Gegenwartskunst” [Enduring boredom - the experience of contingency in contemporary art], Anne Gräfe explores the power of aesthetic boredom: What can we expect from boredom? Where does this mood lead us as a special …

Mohammad Shawky Hassan – „Bashtaalak sa’at“ (Shall I Compare You to a Summer’s Day?)

Filmscreening “Bashtaalak sa’at” (Shall I Compare You to a Summer’s Day?) by Mohammad Shawky Hassan (66 min, AR & E with English ST, EG, LB, D 2022). A glance leads to a smile, a smile to a rendezvous: every love story begins the same way. These narratives are stored in …

Sapphic Reading Club

The ArchipelagoLab is a student-run space that is open to students and doctoral candidates for a wide range of participation. It provides the infrastructure for the planning and implementation of events and formats of all kinds and aims to be a safe space for this. The Lab is a hub in a network …

Sasha Levkovich - Just Call Me

Interpretation as an art form opens a possibility of critical interaction with such notions as novelty, individualism and the patriarchal myth of the “genius”. It acknowledges the reading in the writing and vice versa. But It goes further than the typical Roland Barthes’ Reader-Author relationship. …

Souvenirs and Trophies

The American artist Mark Dion has been working for more than 10 years on the cultural representation of nature and is internationally regarded as one of the most important representatives of context art. This year, for the first time, a large, retrospective traveling exhibition will be dedicated to …

The Sensorial + the Conceptual Mix

from the series of lectures “Conceptual Paradise. Artistic Practice in the Age of the Social Web”

Tejal Shah - Between the Waves

The five-channel video installation Between the Waves, 2012, is a "circular fable, a new cosmology bearing a strong commentary on the Anthropocene", as the artist Tejal Shah puts it. Shahs works are informed by a non-binary Buddhist philosophy and practice, queer-feminism and eco-poetics.

The Economic Chain

“The Economic Chain” attempts to precisely contour the chain concept and the analysis of flows (flows of goods, flows of materials, etc.) as introduced into modern economic theory by the new economics and ecology for the first time. In addition to the analysis of the value chain, the …

Import / Export Funk Office

Project and exhibition with Renée Green in cooperation with Kulturinformatik (Martin Warnke)


EU-Project in cooperation with Van Abbe Museum, Eindhoven, NL European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies, Wien, A Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art, Riga, LV Lentos Kunstmuseum, Linz, A MACBA, Barcelona, E

Branding the Campus

Übersetzt aus dem Englischen von Jürgen Bürger, übersetzt aus dem Französischen von Barbara Hess. Erschien anlässlich der permanenten Installation von Christian Philipp Müller: Der Campus als Kunstwerk. Abteilung Prototypen. Eine künstlerische Arbeit in zwei Teilen, 1996 – 1998, Leuphana …

Embodied Correspondences. A Practice-Based Seminar on Improvisation

“Whole bodies are oriented and structurally responsive to their environments, and whole persons, and not isolated internal parts of persons, refer {to} and are about things in those environments.” [Ellie Epp, Being About]

Alina Adrian - Sexismus und sexualisierte Gewalt: Hochschulrealitäten anerkennen und präventiv entgegenwirken

This lecture is part of the exhibition The Professor’s Body . On Academic Affect and Habitus with Leda Bourgogne and event program with Franzis Kabisch, Ho Rui An, Rahel Spoerer and Maximiliane Baumgartner from 23.10.2024 - 27.11.2024.

In Between Subjects – Amelia Jones

This presentation gives an overview of Jones’s book  In Between Subjects: A Critical Genealogy of Queer Subjects, with attention to deeper motivations behind its development, and tracks her thinking about the intersection of “queer” and “performance” or “performativity” since the book was …

Clara Mannott - I will take care of you

When shedding skin a moment of memory loss arises. The body disintegrates into multiples, it is becoming more than one. You and your former skin. Something separated but still deeply connected. Time splits and from there on you encounter reality on separate paths. The ambiguous feeling of …

Die Conceptual Art und ihr Medienbegriff

In his second lecture of a multi-part series at Leuphana University, Stefan Römer examines the relationship of Conceptual Art to the traditional concept of media in art. What role did the division that gallery owner Seth Siegelaub made between primary and secondary information play? Was the concept …

The Governance of Precariousness

In the broadest sense, precariousness can be described as insecurity, vulnerability and endangerment. The lecture unfolds various dimensions in which precariousness is both a condition and effect of governance and security. In occidental modernity, we have learned how to minimise precariousness, …

Exhibition Opening Unterwerfungen

In the lecture performance entitled “Well, a fresh breeze with words and gestures”, the artist, performer, and musician Susanne Sachsse confronts asynchronicity, subtraction, gaps, and unlearning, posing the question: Who or what is this talking, when the talk is about me? Susanne …



FROM WHERE I STAND #1. Feminist Art/Writing: Genealogies, Subjectivities, and Critique

When writing about feminist art, and possibly for feminist motives, scholars face the problem that their research not only partakes in making visible and valuing politically engaged practices, but also risks depoliticizing them by inscribing them into art history. The workshop series »From Where I …

FROM WHERE I STAND #2. Between theory and pose

When writing about feminist art, and possibly for feminist motives, scholars face the problem that their research not only partakes in making visible and valuing politically engaged practices, but also risks depoliticizing them by inscribing them into art history and into a canon they never wanted …

Future Academy. A research collective's questions to the future of art academies in a global context

For the past two years, Clémentine Deliss has been collaborating with art, design and architecture schools in Bangalore (India), Dakar (Senegal), London and Edinburgh, which address questions about epistemological, architectural and structural parameters of future research and educational …

Harkeerat Mangat – Good Neighbours

For his guest lecture, Harkeerat Mangat will string together two strands in his recent research: performance in Indian classical music and techniques for ethnographic filmmaking. Over a span of three years, Mangat worked together with residents of a park square in Düsseldorf, Germany to create a …


Melanie Gilligan will give an initial talk to introduce some approaches in her practice regarding information and entertainment, theoretical work and popular culture. This is the first event in a series of seminars, lectures, and workshops in her collaboration with Kunstraum of Leuphana University …

Memory Loops

Memorials are mostly commissioned works of art that are bound to a pre-definded space and function as symbolic gestures. The task to memorize or to come to terms with the past is delegated to the artist. Thus, an artistic engagement with memorials has to take into account questions of …

Recounting the Past, Present and Future. Art, Sense of Place and Society

The question of whether art should respond to social responsibilities is not new and has been addressed by innumerable artists and authors. For the Palestinian art institute Al Hoash, it has been important since its foundation in 2004 to take part in social debates and activities – in line with its …

Terra Critica – Why critique?

Birgit Mara Kaiser is Associate Professor of Comparative Literature and Transcultural Aesthetics at Utrecht University. Her research spans literatures in English, French and German from the 19th to 21st century, with particular focus on poetic knowledge production; the relation of literature, …

The Embedded Critic. Writing About Art in Latin America

This lecture will address art criticism in 20th Century Latin America through a strategic focus on the writings of three remarkable women: Nelly Richard, Suely Rolnik and Marta Traba. All three follow conceptions of criticism which draw from Roland Barthes’ notion of the »eternally written« text, …

The Self-Made Man

from the series of lectures “Conceptual Paradise. Artistic Practice in the Age of the Social Web”

Who Needs Art, We Need Potatoes

Stih & Schnock are Berlin based artists, who explore how memory functions in the social sphere and how it is reflected symbolically in culture and urban space. There is to be found an ongoing interest in collections and museums, which they conceive as places of collective cultural memory. …


re publicart was a transnational research project exploring and developing progressive practices of public art. In cooperation with eipcp Vienna, Galerija Skuc Ljubljana, Goldsmiths College University of London, Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art Riga


Conditions and relations of project-oriented artistic practices. The findings of a working group and an exhibition. Exhibition: Video tapes of the meetings of the working groups and material documenting projects, exhibitions, and organisations which have re-defined the relation of artists and …

Spaces in Subjunctive I und II

Ausstellung in zwei Teilen

The Transformation of Data into Portraiture

Project with Michael Clegg & Martin Guttmann Supported by the Foundation of Lower Saxony, Hanover

Against healing. A practice seminar on performance art and violence.

Challenging the “hope of endowing violence with a political sense” (Catherine Malabou), this seminar studies how performance artists investigate the violence and trauma of structural and situational violence. Since the 1970s, performance and visual artists alike have developed the therapeutic (i.e. …

1989 Romania. Videogrammes of a Revolution

In ten days in 1989, a rebellion in Romania overthrew the government and executed leader Nicolai Ceaucescu and his wife. Demonstrators then occupied the television station and broadcasted continuously for 120 hours. Andrei Ujica’s film “Videograms of a Revolution” is a condensation of …

Algeria 1960. Pierre Bourdieu's initiation journey into sociology

Lecture Algeria 1960. Pierre Bourdieu’s initiation journey into sociology Friday, 04.02.2005, 14.30 h Workshop Visual Anthropology. Pierre Bourdieu in Algeria Friday, 04.02.2005, 15.00 h - open end Saturday, 05.02.2005, 10.00 h - open end

Art and Economics Since the Crisis

Since the start of the last economic crisis in 2007/08, there has been much discussion of art’s imbrication with money, specifically its instrumentalization in burgeonining cultures of art investing and financial instruments in the art field. Alongside these conversations, there have been important …

Art and the Spectacular. Biennials sans frontiers

Chin-tao Wu will deal in her lecture with some aspects of the “Biennalisation of the Artworld”: Over the last ten to fifteen years, art biennials have mushroomed. The popularity of the biennial as an institutional framework by means of which cities and city governments are empowered to …

Exhibition Tour with Philipp Gufler

The artist offers a guided tour through the exhibition “Unterwerfungen”.

BIGNES? Critique of the entrepreneurial city

Bigness, as the Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas mockingly remarked, is the pinnacle of architecture. Here, Koolhaas refers to his district-sized rail hub ‘EuraLille’, as only greater size can mobilize a “regime of complexity” as well as the “concentrated intelligence of …

Colors of Palestine

In the frame of p2p, a group of Palestinian, Jewish and German students invites you to the Palestinian cultural event Colors of Palestine. They write: “Learn about the richness of Palestinian heritage by sampling traditional cuisine, participating in interactive workshops such as Dabkeh …

DGAE PLATFORM #2 - Transcultural Media Asthetics

Knowbotiq - Yvonne Wilhelm & Christian Huebler (ZHdK) - UNTOOLING.io

The city is our factory

Christoph Schäfer will present his artistic-activist approach at the Kunstraum on the basis of his widely received visual essay ‘The City is our Factory,’ which was published in 2010 by Spector Books. Using a water color pen, Christoph Schäfer traced in this essay the conceptual landscapes and …

Do you really want it that much - ...More!

In the video installation “Do you really want it that much?” - “More!” Volker Eichelmann, Jonathan Faiers and Roland Rust present a compilation of feature film scenes of various genres set in the spaces of art museums or galleries. Annotated by short texts and thematic …

Ethnographic Museums and Memories. Two Screenings

Since Alain Resnais’ and Chris Markers film »Les Statues meurent aussi« from 1953 ethnographic museums have been the topic of filmic and artistic critique mostly due the doubtful origin of their collections as looted art under colonial times. As part of the seminar »Art and Ethnography. History of …

Film 68

In his video lecture “Film 68” Gerd Roscher will present the Film “Oskar Langenfeld” (1966) by Holger Meins as well as excerpts of the movie “Zeitgeist” (1968) by the Dutch documentary filmmaker Johan van der Keuken.

Four Films by Ellie Epp

Trapline, 1975, 16mm current, Canada, 1982, 16mm notes in origin, Canada, 1987, 16mm bright and dark, Canada, 1996, 16mm “What I like in film is precision, slightness, economy of means, delight, inference, and a kind of motion that can be followed but not tagged, and makes seeing …

Júlia Ayerbe (w/ Dandara Catete) - Conversations on the Bed

This performance is part of the performance series INSIDE WOUNDS

Art as sociopolitical intervention? Projects by the artist group 'WochenKlausur'

At the invitation of art institutions, WochenKlausur has been realizing socio-political projects since 1993. As the name suggests, it bundles all energies and artistic strategies in a limited time (six weeks) in order to achieve concrete improvements in our coexistence. WochenKlausur sees a great …

Art and Revolution. Transversal Activism in the Long Twentieth Century

Gerald Raunig presents his new book, published in April 2005 by Turia+Kant in Vienna, and puts up for discussion the fundamental theses of his poststructuralist theory of revolution. Among the artistic tendencies and movements with (post)revolutionary pretensions examined in this volume are Gustave …

Mike Kelley. The Architecture of Memory

American artist Mike Kelley (1954, Wayne, MI – 2012, South Pasadena, CA) started to gain visibility in the 1980s with his stuffed animal works, his iconic design for the cover of Sonic Youth’s album »Dirty« (1992), and for his »Arena« series (1990). However, it was from 1995 onwards that he …

Non-human rave

“Non-human rave” draws out the sonic and musical potential of human and non-human improvisation. Using a musical instrument designed to read electrical impulses, Daria Melnikova connects the electrodes to fruits, vegetables and mushrooms. As the objects change, the style of the music …


19.11.2002, 18:30 Preparation with the curator Lorenzo Benedetti, Bujar Sali (assistant), and the technician Valeria Guarcino 20.11.2002, 10:30 Preparation for live broadcast at 11: 00 a.m.

Reflections and Oppositional Art. Responsibility, Aesthetics… Humor (Because Without Humor The Work Would Be Dead)

Sands Murray-Wassink’s paintings and especially his performances deal with identity politics and the performance of the explicit body. In doing so they follow a tradition of Performance Art that aimed to blur the borders between life and art that became prominent in the 1960s and 1970s. …

Screening with Zoe Leonard, Catherine Saalfield, Philipp Gufler and Liane Klingler

A screening of Zoe Leonard & Catherine Saalfield, Keep your laws off my body, 1990 Philipp Gufler, Lana Kaiser, 2021 Philipp Gufler, Becoming-Rabe, 2015 Liane Klinger & Philipp Gufler, Conversation with Erich Haas, 2016

Towards a Techno-Ecology of Participation

This conference is a cooperation of Leuphana’s Chair of Media Culture, the Research Project »Technoecologies of Participation« within the frame of DFG Research Group »Media and Participation« and University of Bremen’s NatureCultures Lab. with: Nurit Bird-David (Haifa), Christoph Brunner …

UIQ (the unmaking-of)

»UIQ (the unmaking-of)« (2015, 78 min) is a spatialized electro-acoustic soundwork, or invisible film, that filmmaker-artists Graeme Thomson and Silvia Maglioni have created around Félix Guattari’s unmade science-fiction screenplay, »Un Amour d’UIQ« (A Love of UIQ). Working with the …

+852 - Two Years in Hong Kong: a Retrospective

+852 is the telephone country code of Hong Kong - a place where we have spent two of the most significant years of our lives, participating in the double degree program of Digital Media at Leuphana and Creative Media at the City University of Hong Kong. This exhibition is not just an amalgamation …

ATLAS (spaces in subjunctive)

The ATLAS project harks back to the collaboration between the philosopher and sociologist Otto Neurath (Vienna Circle of Logical Positivism) and the artist Gerd Arntz (Cologne Progressive) in the 1920s. Within the framework of the Vienna Museum of Society and Economy, this historically first …

The Open Public Library

Project with Michael Clegg & Martin Guttmann in cooperation with the Kunstverein in Hamburg and the Kulturbörde Hamburg Publication: M. Clegg/ M. Guttmann: The Open Library. Ostfildern-Ruit bei Stuttgart: Cantz, 1994.

Revisions of Abstract Expressionism

With Roger-M. Buergel, Ruth Noack, John Miller and Stefanie-Vera Kockot In cooperation with Kunstverein Kreis Gütersloh e.V. Publication: Roger-M. Buergel / Stefanie-Vera Kockot. (Eds.):Abstrakter Expressionismus. Dresden: Verlag der Kunst, 2000.


Exhibition with Fabrice Hybert and Hans Ulrich Obrist


With Dan Peterman’s installation “Extended Falster Video / Greenhouse” a “Nonsite” in the sense of Robert Smithson is created in the foyer of the library of the University of Lüneburg. a park on the Danish island of Falster will be referenced, which will serve as a …