Sasha Levkovich - Just Call Me p2p

Jan 30, 2025, 7 pm

Interpretation as an art form opens a possibility of critical interaction with such
notions as novelty, individualism and the patriarchal myth of the “genius”.
It acknowledges the reading in the writing and vice versa. But It goes further than
the typical Roland Barthes’ Reader-Author relationship. It gives the writer, or the
artist in our context, the possibility to explore interpretation as a form of
appropriation art. Not merely describing, or altering the existing object, but
transcending it, while simultaneously holding the gaze on it.

This Reading is part of the event programme of the exhibition Sapphic Entaglements with with Ruxin Liu, ana zeno de courcy, Sasha Levkovich and Clara Mannott from 21.01. - 04.02.2024. This exhibition is curated and organized by Sophie McCuen-Koytek and Linn Felgendreher as part of the Kunstraum.p2p format. This exhibition is sponsored by the Studierendenwerk OstNiedersachsen.